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Added 2011 January 9th
A common adventure : (in order of apparition in time : Nautile, Don WRIGHT,
John RICHINGS, Nono aka Norbert TRUPIANO)

About the end of 2007, (Oct-Nov), just before my father's last turn for the worse that
would lead to his death just 3 years ago today, I was still a moderator on a certain forum,
that at the time was still a civilized and interesting place.
I then used to make the effort of giving one post a day pointing to something interesting on 
the Net or in literature.

One of those posts was about an intriguing Carrick Bracelet I had found at :

The only one who took the bait in earnest then was Don WRIGHT.
But at the time both he and I were unable to imagine a perfect reproduction.
STILL Don made brave attempts at the time ( having been in his youth a USN sailor Don
always tries his best shot )
one interpretation
another interpretation
he made that tutorial
this grid (the realisation in the cordage I own as Don gave it to me ( see picture here)
All 5 of those documents are from Don

Jan 4th

Don in a mail (19:00 France time) about the series of record breaking in spherical coverings
[open quote]
I admire people like John who can look at a piece and copy it in string. I'm still trying to
figure out how to tie the knot in the Museum  in England somewhere, that has the carrick
bends interweaved in it, by Prince Edward The First I think. It still bothers me that I have
not yet figured it out. I still look at the pic once in a while to see what I am missing and one
of these days I will get it, I hope
.[end quote]

Don was alluding to Prince EDWARD's bracelet and I respond with "may be we will
enlist the help of the others in the gang".

As Don (20:51) thought that a good idea I sent (21:18) a 'round mail' to some of the last
contributors to these pages.

I could not really remember where I had found it, only that it was a UK museum, probably
 in Greenwich and told every one.

19:50 I wrote to Don
"It suddenly dawned on me that the upper side knot IS the map for the doubly doubled knot
This may be a source for decryption"

20:57 Don wrote
[open quote]For some reason, after looking at the top knot, I was almost thinking that the
bottom knot did not follow the same path as the top knot??
Does that sound strange or am I wrong. Just my thoughts on it. I could be wrong.[end quote]

TWO guys almost immediately respond to my mail asking for the help of their expertise :

21:39 John answered
[open quote]Charles, You're probably thinking of the National Maritime Museum at
As for the knot's a whole series of Carrick Bends.
I think it'll take a bit of time to sort out , and yes the top knot looks like a single version of
 the 3ply.
At this point in time it looks easier than the 1776 facet, which is going to take 28 metres on
 the mandrel[end quote]

and Nono
23:00 NONO  [open quote]
Enfin, un challenge…Je vais encoder ça… à ma façon…Mais d’emblée, il ne s’agit pas
 du même nœud… les carricks sont identiques, mais le parcours de fond est différent.
 merci, Charles de penser à mes neurones qui s’engourdissent avec le froid…Exercice
 fabuleux pour griller quelques synapses inutiles et en établir d’autres… Allez, je vais
 me donner jusqu’à dimanche pour vous pondre les schémas de ces deux nœuds  

At last a challenge...I will encode that, in my own fashion...But atfirst look, they are not the
 same knots...the carricks are identical, but the base run is different. thanks Charles to think

of my neurons who are frozen with this cold...Faboulous exercise to burn some useless
synapses and make new ones. Itis said, I will give myself till Sunday to sent out the grids for
 those two knots [end quote]

both Don and I found again the link to the bracelet and at the same moment John
RICHINGS told us he thought it was the maritime museum in Greenwich.

I countered NONO, propping my first opinion that the upper knot was the ONE-PASS
version of the 3-PASS lower one with what the museum was saying in the description label :
[open quote]A Turk's head with interwoven Carrick bends started by HRH Prince
George Edward Alexander Edmund, Duke of Kent (1902-1942) on board HMS
'Hawkins' but never finished (the knot is complete but has not been tripled).
A larger completed example intended as a pattern is shown above.
Both knots are mounted on a cardboard tube covered with blue paper.[end quote]

Barry BROWN expressed that
[open quote]
They do indeed look different, but from only one view it is hard to say, did somebody not
 try to replicate this before?[end quote]

Jan 5th

09:18  a mail from John RICHINGS
[open quote]
Charles, not the complete answer, but from my crude sketch are the parts that are behind
the carrick bends.I haven't quite worked out where they link with the main carrick bend
THK.Maybe it will be of help to Don et al...[end quote]

attached to it was this sketch  by John's hand

18:29 a mail from NONO with two grids !
[open quote]
Pour moi, le challenge est résolu…
J’ai encodé en fonction de ce que mon œil voit (il y a quatre carricks visibles sur une
face du cylindre, j’ai extrapolé la face cachée) les deux parcours en vis-à-vis.

Alors si le prince devait imiter le modèle, il s’est planté…
Les deux nœuds sont différents dans la façon dont les entrelacements (hors carricks)
sont faits.

Ils sont tous les deux mono-fil
Maintenant qu’ils sont encodés, je vais passer à la phase réalisation, en espérant être
meilleur sans me pincer, que môssieur le prince.

A plus tard, Nono
For my part the challenge has been met...
I made the code with what my eyes are telling me ( there are four Carricks visible on the face
 shown, I extrapolated the hidden face) , the two cordage routes are 'vis à vis' ( in front

of each other)
So if the Prince had to follow the model then he goofed....
The two knots are different in the manner the interweaves(outside the carrricks) are done.
They are both single-strand.
Now that they are encoded, I am going to go to the realisation, hoping to be better -without
having to pinch myself- than M'ossieur Le Prince.

See you later, Nono
[end quote]

Jan 6th

11:26 NONO sent TWO grids, one for each knots.
After that he then looks at John grid and said
[open quote] " sorry but this (John yesterday attempt) does not agree with what one can see
on the photo"[end quote]

13:59 the fabulous NONO said that the quest had given him the idea of a TWO-STRAND
carrick bracelet !

14:09 John
[open quote]Well done Norbert. I rushed in without giving the problem enough thought.[end
    Nautile : in fact John is quite busy with the 1776FACEsmade on the grid he
himself decrypted from the photos.                             
This photo is of course John's

20:42 Don (to Nono)
[open quote]Nono, Put grid on mandrel and put string to it and for the most part i came out
OK. I noticed a couple of O-U errors and fixed them.  I also noted around all of the exit
string from the carrick bends, the OO-UU sequences. See Picture for details.[end quote]

20:49 DON
[open quote]Just another note. I used the bottom grid and it is the one with the "errors" and
the top grid has none. I will now try that one for sure.[end quote]

20:59 I got this photo from NONO ! the knots were done !
All photos are Nono's

21:17 Nono to Don
[open quote]Thanks to you Don
I had not noticed those errors, here is as attachment the corrected file/
As for the crossings at the "going out" of the Carrick, it is what my eyes are seeing...
[end quote]

21:25 Don to Nono
[open quote] always said the top and the bottom knot were different and I guess that was
right. Beautiful job Norbert. Just ignore my ramblings on the O-Us then. Some times I'm just
wrong, but the 2 O-Us I think were just oversight then as all else was as it should have been.
We should have given the challenge to Norbert when we first started playing with this one a
couple of years ago. On the other hand we all did some exploring and that was good for us
. Amen. Thanks to all who helped solve the problem. (I like to see the bottle of wine that the
cork Nono has the knot on came from.)LOL[end quote]

Jan 08th

07:41 Don
[open quote]Here is my spin on the CB Bracelet. That is my days work today. Not much
but all I felt like doing. Sent pic to John but none of the others.Just about bedtime here.
[end quote]

DON's work
Photo is Don's

Here are NONO's grids ( you will also find them in the future special Nono's grids page )
Of course this sort of diagram is by Nono's


see in VOS_TUTS page


Added  2011 January 3rd

see in NONO_TUTS page


Added  2011 January 3rd

The full collection of Don's hand made spherical coverings


Added  2011 January 4th

Barry BROWN made a remark about the 5B of this covering which remind me of my
intention of asking some questions to John.

To make the story short :
when John, using Don's photos,  made his own copy of the 600F grid I had made specially
for Don at his asking (he was set on a polar 5 BIGHT-NESTS despite my misgiving of going
 over 4) he did some modifications of his own invention.


John set to change the total in each NEST FROM FIVE TO EIGHT
By a fluke of chance the grid so altered remained possible to do with a SINGLE-STRAND.

have done one.

John also copied the 800F (from NONO's grid) and the changes he brought gave a
480 FACEs grid, also single-strand !



Added  2011 January 2nd

John, 73 is the second first world wide recognized maker of a 800  1000 FACEs.

John did not get this grid invented by NONO but he drew it from his analysis of Don
WRIGHT's photos.

John is offerring his "cheat sheet" with the Half-Periods codes in RICHINGS_TUTS page
Cylinder ready
Knot made

John wrote (in two mails)
[open quote] At my second attempt I've made 
the 800  (no 1000) facet SCK. I've used
1.5mm 8plait
nylon on a 70mm diameter ball.
Attached also is a revised coding for the 800 facet SCK.........I made 2 or 3 typing errors
(my hand written version was

OK). I picked up the errors while making the SCK.
Also, after numerous attempts, I've worked out the grid for the 1776 facet..........without
referring to Norbert's grid but using his photos. I've done the coding but haven't even started
 on the knot yet.


I finished the 800  (no 1000) facet at 1.00am this morning ( one hour after midnight).
I'm almost hoping Norbert doesn't come up with another's finding the
mandrels to build them on plus of course the sphere ( I find it's easier if the mandrel is the
same diameter, or even slightly smaller than the sphere I want to use.

Why does cord have a mind of its own..............getting kinks and knots and a determination
 to get itself tangled around
everything possible. Hey Ho.......we'll still battle on... [end quote]


Added  2010 Dec 20th
NONO (aka Norbert TRUPIANO)

I got those pictures yesterday (19th) with this text :
J’ai commencé ce matin le plus de 1000 faces…
Pour tester… avec les moyens du bord : un bout de tuyau PVC et des cure-dents J
4 photos pour commencer…
J’ai mis moins de 6 heures pour faire l’ébauche…
La suite viendra en son temps, soyez patients

I started the over 1000 faces this morning...
Just as a test of the grid...with what was available : a piece of  PCV tubing and  'teeth sticks'.
4 photos to start with...
The remainder will follow in time, be patient.

the over 1000 faces SURE ! it is even over 1500, even over 1700 : 1776 in fact.

As Nono is wont to do he used sailmaker thread (easy to solder with cigarette gas lighter
 for easy and fast correction of inevitables mistakes) to first make a 'sacrificial mould' on
which he will thread the chosen cordage, then mould is destroyed.
Access to slideshow.

Added  2010 Dec 23rd
Received yesterday Dec 22nd
The Moroccan turned wooden (cypress ?) ball on which Nono put the PASS-1 of his 1776
FACEs spherical covering.

Added  2010 Dec 26th
"took me two days for finishing this PASS62, wooden ball is a shade to large"
Here it is.


Added  2010 Dec 19th

Sunday  morning, in my mail box was Don latest : the cordage in place, after 8 h 30mm of
fingers pulps bruising work for the spherical covering of 800 faces on a grid invented by...
...guess who?......
by Nono ! AGAIN !
This grid has not yet been proofed in the cordage as a good spherical covering, Nono is
too much occupied with his family and when he recently got a few days of liberty ( family
on a visit in Family ) he used them up  making his third special bracelet than was a gift for

Near 800 cylinder is the second 600 faces with the beginning of 3-PASS which is
momentarily left aside for the 800 faces.

Added  2010 Dec 20th
The 800 faces well advanced.

Added  2010 Dec 23rd
Received yesterday Dec 22nd the finished 800 FACEs.


Added  2010 Dec 15th
Frank C  BROWN

Well known for his 2 
pamphlets on  animals and people in string.

This one is a Caledonian throwing a tree trunk

Frank who is a jester added  :  I would dearly love to substitute an Aus hardwood pole
during a competition---a nicely dried Iron Bark, Jarra, or River Red Gum sapling.
note : those wood have a high specific weight !

FCB call his figurines :  FEG  !
I had to ask of course and fell for his pun trick :
FEG  is eff-ee-ge = effigy


Copyright 2005 Sept - Charles Hamel / Nautile -
Overall rewriting in August 2006 . Copyright renewed. 2007-2012 -(each year of existence)

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