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***Translation help. faux-bras = preventer stay or preventer brace
mâterau = small mast
capeler = to rig , to reeve  
capelage = rigging, for rigging.
capeler un mât ( mât = mast )
capeler les haubans = send up the shrouds
capeler = to clap on capelage = shrouds and etc at masthead, head rigging
étai ( plural étais ) = stay habans = shrouds
bout = in maritime parlance " un bout" is " a piece or cordage" OR the extremities of
it going in or out of a "knot" there are several English equivalence bout = end, line,
rope, head, arm
aussière = hawser , but too mooring rope, sling, warp, float-line four us " une aussière
en 4" is your 'shroud-laid rope
'crocherait' this is the verb 'crocher ' to hook, to grip, to snap on a harness is 'crocher
le harnais
caliorne = caliorne de mât = pendant tackle or winding tackle
caliorne or cayorne = purchase-tackle, main-purchase, tackle,
palan ( plural: palans ) =hoist, purchase, tackle, block & tackle, billy,
palan à bras = arm hoist
palan d'étai = stay tackle, garnet tackle ( we have palan à corde : rope pulley block
palan à itague = runner & tackle or runner purchase
palan d'amure = tack-tackle
palan d'amure de trinquette = foresail tack tackle
palan de balancine = lift-purchase, preventer-lift palan de boissoir ) cat-block,
cat-head purchase
palan de bouline = bowline-tackle
palan de bout de vergue = yard-tackle
palan de bout = spritsail halliard
palan de candelette = fore-tackle, fish tackle
palan de charge sur vergue = double whip
palan de dimanche ( 4 different) = handy billy, watch-tackle, jigger tackle, luftackle
palan de drosse = truss-tackle
palan de garde = guy
palan de garde de bôme =boom-vang
palan de gui = tackle of the gui
palan de guinderesse = top tackle
palan de levage = lifting tackle
palan de pataras = backstay tackle
palan de pied = heel tackle
palan de retenue = guy tackle , vang
palan de retenue de barre ou de secours = relieving rudder tackle
palan de retenue de gui = boom tackle
palan de retraite = train-tackle palan de ris = reefing tackle
palan de roulis = rolling-tackle palan différentiel = Weston purchase palan double =
two-fold purchase
palan à double brin = double purchase palan mobile = travelling block
palan sur garant = luff upon luff
palan sur rail = overhead hoist
palan volant = jigger