CAVEAT   for 2011 (STILL VALID FOR 2012 and 2013 )    Entropy is winning!
Those pages are the result of the unregulated sedimentation over many years (complete rewrite in 2005)  of additions made topic after topic.
Those pages have taken a life of their own and are*not* organized linearly  (and will
not because I think that it is "sterile" and it would be idiotic to rewrite them as such)  as a book written at one go or periodically rewritten.

This miscellany may now be seen as a sort of  blog, not a nice garden "à la française"
or a carefully set and continually maintained Japanese Garden but as one of those wild
meadows full of flowers and insects.

Your best bet is, after using the pages names to get a rough indication of the general
content, just as with a book to go to the "orientation" page : contents.

A quick and open mind (a good part of the content here may seems difficult by
nature) should save the day for you and if not then I am really sorry for you. With a
steady 45+  visitors per day I am quite happy with my readers, the more so when they
tell me that  most often they find the answer to their question(s) here or sent encouraging words.

This (wantonly disparate ; linear thinking is narrowed thinking) collection is like a box of chocolates and not like a 'grande cuisine' diner.

I have read enough ( at one time I was a reviewer on a peer committee' prior to
publication) and written enough academic texts in my life to be nauseated and quite please with shedding the sterile linear discipline and be writing "freely" as it please me. I write to help me clarify my thinking and it is only a secondary and collateral effect, that can be easily suppressed with no loss to me, if I put it on-line for those interested. 
At  least thrice in the last year I had a mind to scuttle the whole ungainly ship -I do not
promise that I will not do it in 2011 ; the workload of putting it on line is non-negligible, which is why the French counter-part of those pages was suppressed well before 2005- but each time I was on the brink (once it was indeed killed for 2 days)  some external stimulation from one of my contributors or from a reader staid my executioner hand.

In fact, truth be told,  after 6 years it should be entirely rewritten (and illustrations made again but in isometric ) from scratch, but a new  post-rewriting
sedimentation will just make it run wild again so let it be wild (or burn it completely), those who do not like the wilderness have my compassion and understanding but they can pass their way'et bon vent' as I will not do those 5 or 6 months, may be more, of rewriting in the near future and given my age there is great deal more past than future to contemplate ;-)

Hope you will decide to read now and then as the fantasy will take you but will not
despair if you would rather not. ;-D)
to make contact with me go to the contact page

Les sots lisent un livre, et ne l’entendent point ; les esprits médiocres croient l’entendre parfaitement ; les grands esprits ne l’entendent quelquefois pas tout entier : ils trouvent obscur ce qui est obscur, comme ils trouvent clair ce qui est clair ; les beaux esprits veulent trouver obscur ce qui ne l’est point, et ne pas entendre ce qui est fort intelligible.
Fools read a book and do not undertand its content; mediocre minds believe
they gets it to perfection, great minds sometimes do not understand the whole of it: they find obscure what is obscure, just as they find clear what is clear ; the witty
ones  WANT to find obscure what is not obscure and CANNOT UNDERSTAND what is most intelligible.   

Jean de la Bruyère (1645-1696)
in Les Caractères ou le moeurs de ce siècle (1688)

Alas it remains that we all have this sad trait, when we cannot understand some point
because of something lacking in ourselves we find it easier to blame the text and its author.

I can do that too, for some seconds, but I usually quickly pull my intellectual leash.

I  trust that my readers are all great minds according to La Bruyère criterion, and
that my texts are not obscure.
Sometimes it is the matter which is difficult and will stay outside the immediate reach of some person who will have to take responsibility for that and invest a bit more personal effort to "get it" or will have to take me to task by making contact with me.